Copied from Facebook…a story about my daughters.
The girls are playing “Wedding” in the garage with their neighborhood girlfriends. A host of arguments are patiently being talked through as some girls say, “well, this is my third marriage because the first two didn’t work out,” and others say, “yeah, my first husband was a bad man. He was mean to us all the time so now I’m marrying somebody nice.”
Confused, a more sheltered child comments, “but when you marry somebody you are supposed to be married till you die.”
A more experienced child responds, “but you can’t be married till you die if your husband is bad and like, hits you and stuff–“
Someone else says, “yeah, or gets a girlfriend or yells at you all the time.”
Other little girls say, “husbands do that? My dad is a husband and he never does that! He’s nice and he kisses my mom and they talk and stuff.”
To which someone replies, “well, your dad must be a nice husband. Let’s marry someone like him.”
What a blessing that our grandddaughters have the “Dad who is a husband and never does that! He’s nice and he kisses my mom and they talk and stuff!!!” The dear other girls playing the wedding game hopefully were taught today that there are wonderful husbands and fathers out there…and they too, can someday have such a man…”Your Dad must be a nice husband. Let’s marry someone like him!” And perhaps…this dialogue today just may cause our girls to reflect on how blessed they are…and never take their daddy for granted! So love this, Harmony. Thanks for sharing!