Braiding her hair in the dark felt like taking up a mantle, here I am, playing the mother. Almost a decade of being a mama to daughters, and in my heart I am sometimes still the girl. I fished out nightgowns for dolls, tucking the freshly clad babies up against a three year old’s shoulders, […]
And She Treasured These Things In Her Heart
Okay, so yesterday I woke up early, groggily whipped out a “Wednesday in the Word” post (which is a terrible name, by the way, but shows just how uncreative I am when it comes to the pressure of titles) while fielding the complaints of two fever-ridden kids and watching Daniel Tiger. That was oh, 6:30 […]
The Commonness Seems More The Miracle
Sacred Smallness, Real Life is Now There are almost 100 unpublished posts in my draft folder, and a erroneous click of an arrow brought this to the top of the tier today. It’s at least 2 years old, but it made me smile. The only thing I’d add to the romantic musing is that while the […]
This Is What Remains (real life is now)
The past several days have been difficult – not in their entirety, but overall. When I started this series, I had a sense of some things that might come our way mid-month and they did. Other unexpected things piggy backed on those, and so for five days we seemed to weather one crisis or challenge […]
The Gift of You (a poem)
(post #10) a month long gathering-up of this real heart and life: see all posts here You bound in my door, banging screen into begonias. “Auntie! There is this thing – And I want to do – And can we make – And can I read – ?” I want to throw my head back […]
Weaning: Sacred Smallness, Real Life is Now
(post #8) see list of all posts here I have a few posts on Spiritual Boundaries going – one completed – but I need to sit with them awhile before I post. I’m not quite brave enough tonight. “Is your whole series to be about boundaries?” my husband asked. “I don’t know. I didn’t intend […]
Grace Applied (More Thoughts on Boundaries): Real Life is Now
(post #5) see list of all posts here I’m combing through my draft folder tonight, and am surprised to find this post from two years ago that is in keeping with the theme already swimming in my mind: boundaries, perimeters. Here you go: It is a rainy 2 o’clock appointment, when the counselor and I crash against the concept […]
Shake Out And Play, Mama
(October post #4) see list of all posts here Shake Out And Play, Mama I can’t place, quite, the stars that flash in your pinched up eyes – you dart between our hearts like songbirds do to skies. You roil in laughter – high pitched, belly winsome Puck to Shakespeare’s day; Ever-merry, you: an Otter telling my heart to […]
Boundaries in Parenting: Sacred Smallness, Real Life Is Now.
(post #3) see list of all posts here When our first son was about 18 months old, freshly weaned and newly a big brother, he started testing his autonomy. As a highly verbal child, he’d been counting to 10 and saying ABCs since his first birthday, adding simple sums such as “ one bus and […]
The Gift Is In These Walls
The gift is in these walls, a bit musty from food frying and a bit dirty from child-hands running across old white paint. The gift is in this air, fresh morning air chilled, sucking in through windows with wood smoke and sandalwood oil, afternoon air warming through window-plates of glass and through the steam of […]
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