We’ve reached the final week of this series, and I really can’t believe it. I’m starting to mourn the month being over! The past few posts have been a little intense and I’m very, very thankful you’re hanging with me. Here’s what the week ahead will hold: 6 guest posters are lined up and their posts will be interspersed with […]
The Lie That Fell Like A Curse (survivor songs # 13)
A story about comfort, part one. Comfort: I hear the word and I think thick, cheesy casseroles, warm sweaters, my husband’s arms. I think steaming chai on a rainy day in Oregon. I think conversation – companionship – with friends. But when I consider the concept of comfort, a completely different image comes to […]
Oh God, You Have Betrayed Us (survivor songs #12)
Another look at vulnerability. Why? Why do we shy away from our own mourning and back off from the mourning of others? Why does vulnerability make us squirm, make us want to flee? Why does it feel so unsafe? Vulnerability does feel unsafe. What semblance of strength does it have to hide behind? Something wounded in us says, “vulnerability caused […]
Vulnerability in Real Time (survivor songs #8)
In the wee bits of down time I can carve out of normal life (‘wee’ being the key word) I have been trying to check out the writings of other 31 Day-ers. The following posts share a common theme of vulnerability (and good writing!). They’re worth your peak. 🙂 ::: the following are all links…so click, click, […]
Mourning Requires Vulnerability (survivor songs #7)
In the following post I am using the word ‘vulnerability’ in both the traditional negative sense (one who is unprotected and susceptible to harm, a victim) and in the more modern, positive, relationship-building sense (one who is purposefully letting down their guard in an effort to be soft-hearted and approachable; in Biblical terms: gentle, meek, compassionate, tenderhearted). […]
Formulas Will Never Heal Your Soul – why I won’t say all you need is Jesus (survivor songs #5)
I have a feeling it’s going to take me a few posts to really cut down to the heart of things. It is extremely important to me that you who read this series understand that I am not writing about mourning, or about surviving, because I think You! Too! Should! Be! Happy! I am not […]
Relation of Education to Redemption
I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite authors about the subject of education is Ellen White; her words in the small book aptly entitled Education (published in 1903) merge with Charlotte Mason’s words in my mind, broadening my understanding of the heart of God, the responsibility of parents and teachers, and the capacity of […]
Jealous For The Children
I am up early with the sunrise. The baby has been pushing her night-time wakeup further and further into the A.M. hours until this morning her cries are heard at the first blush before dawn. It is good. Sometimes the rest I hunger for on this last and sabbath day of the week is not sleep, but […]
Dear Mama (Remix)
These words play over the speakers at the coffee shop this morning, and tears choke in my throat. This is a culture to which I cannot relate. But these are universal feelings I think we can all comprehend. Oh, you sin-stricken, pain-filled world. No matter the age, the place, the culture, our primary relationships remain the same. We […]
Boz Tchividjian on How Christians Should Respond To Abuse
Relevant Magazine has published and excellent interview with Boz Tchividjian, the founder and executive director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) titled “How Should Christians Respond To Abuse Situations Like The Duggars’?” Please read it. GRACE is a non-profit ministry/organization which works to educate churches on Godly and appropriate responses to abuse situations within their own congregations, […]