Are [the children] to go into the world ignorant of the questions that are searching many hearts, to be staggered by the first shock of evidence and opinion running counter to the old thoughts? No; but how I wish I could do [the children] the like inestimable served that a great teacher has done for me and […]
When Easter Disappoints
Here are brave words from a brave friend. She shines.
Jesus Was There To Companion Me
Somewhere in the middle of a this, I began making weekly treks to the Benedictine Abbey at Mt. Angel near my home. I also added occasional visits to an assortment of Episcopal services, where I could soak up the liturgy. At the abbey I met a Christ who understood suffering–a Jesus who a was a […]
He Sang of The Ether
Then the lad went in without trembling, for he too was a hero’s son: but when he was within, he stopped in wonder to listen to that magic song. And there he saw the singer lying, upon bear-skins and fragrant boughs; Cheiron, the ancient centaur, the wisest of all the things beneath the sky. Down […]
Children Are Persons (so are we)
The screen taunted me, not doing what I demanded of it. “How in the world did you guys get it to do that thing last week?” I exclaimed. Shrugging, the ten year old wrinkled his brow into a question mark, matching mine. Ellenor shouted off all sorts of inapplicable advice. Havilah wriggled deeper onto my lap, and […]
In which Ellen White never raises her voice
Part of my husband’s inheritance as a fourth generation Seventh-Day Adventist was a vast collection of red-covered books by one of the church’s key founders, Ellen White. Most of the books were passed down from his great-grandfather, and at one point we had two whole shelves of these tiny tomes. Now, I have had a love-fear relationship with Ellen […]
Sand: thoughts on change and how we grow
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. – William Blake My heart has been broken a dozen times this evening; broken, restored, broken again. The heavy things of life laid anchor, pulling my self-ship to […]
A Few Thoughts
1. This post at Copperlight Wood. Read it. 2. The Ambleside community. I am continually blown away by their graciousness and generosity. Each time I visit the robust online forum, or read one of the many blogs by Ambleside users, I come away blessed and informed. These women have helped shape not only my homeschooling but also my life […]
Morning Thoughts: Christ and Humanity
I am up early with my girls today. One wakens with the after-affects of a bloody nose spread across her skin, the other wakens with a belly full of giggles. We bathe, share bananas, and I brew a cup of coffee – a real treat, something I don’t usually get to consume. The sunrise is […]
Abide With Me
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.When other helpers fail and comforts flee,Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;Change and decay in all around I see;O Thou who changest not, abide with […]