This is one of those days where I feel as if I cannot go on.
It’s all so heavy, the burden so heavy.
“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
I am weary and heavy laden, Lord. I feel as if I cannot go on. The road stretches out before me with endlessness. Endless caregiving. Endless giving. The boundaries of my days blur into each other and there is never a deep, stopping rest.
My children have needs I cannot meet right now, Lord. I see it in their eyes and on their faces; I hear it in my own voice, I hear my inability to nurture, sometimes an inability to even be kind. I am tired. I am worn to the bone. I am worn in my soul. I am ragged.
This is a Sabbath and I need your Sabbath, I need it with a desperation, can you tell? In you all the Father’s promises are yes and amen. Be yes and amen to me today.
Be my yes and amen.
I love you, Harmony.