Sometimes we wait impatiently on God when he is patiently waiting on us, waiting for us to recognize what he’s already given as part of the answer.
What little pot of oil have you neglected to notice?
What little shred of possibility have you chosen to ignore?
What little patch of time have you disparaged?
What little hints of blessing have you criticized as insufficient?
What little, humble beginnings have you shoved to the back shelf, considering them unworthy of being the basis for God’s miraculous intentions?
Maybe the answer you’ve been praying for is already there – a plain-as-day response from God to your plea, immediately ready to be applied to this situation…take a good look around to see what’s already at your disposal. The little jar of oil may well be the beginnings of the most spectacular move of God you’ve ever seen.
–Pricilla Shirer, Awaken
Love you Harmony!